*This class is not currently running, check back soon for updates

What is Water Mums?

Water Mums is an exercise class designed for pre and postnatal women. During the 45-minute class, you will perform exercises in warm water utilising the buoyancy and resistance of the water. The class is aimed at improving all-over muscle strength with a focus on strengthening the pelvic floor area.

Water Mums is conducted by a qualified female physiotherapist who has carefully planned a series of exercises to give you the most benefit.
The class is also a great way to meet other mums or mums-to-be who are going through a similar time in life and can relate to your experience, while you’re having fun. Regular 6-monthly reunions are held so that mums can reunite and meet each others’ newborn child.

Contact our reception for further information or to request a self-assessment form prior to attending the class.