Staying fit over your next holiday break

As the Easter holidays have just only past us, let’s take a moment to reflect on holiday breaks and exercise; as social occasions and treats become ever-so-tempting! And not having our usual routine can make it a bit harder to stick to our fitness goals.

Here at Hoppers Physio, located in Hoppers Crossing, we’ve come up with a few handy tips to keep in mind whilst on your next well-deserved break.

Our top tips consist of …

1. Having a plan and keeping hydrated:

For this one, we simply mean have a think about your usual routine and how this may alter whilst on break. Essentially, this way you can plan around events and make a ‘holiday plan’ to suit your schedule. And not to forget to stay hydrated!!!

2. Keep on going:

Whether it means adding new forms of motivation like changing up your workouts, even simplifying your workouts whilst your on break to work around a different schedule or even finding a workout buddy to exercise with.

3. Treat yourself in proportion:

Holidays usually always involve treats, and if your someone who isn’t too keen on giving them up, that’s totally fine! Just remember to consume these treats in proportion and not go overboard.

But don’t forget this can be the perfect time to focus on your fitness, with that extra added ‘me-time’ during the holiday break.
If you would like any information about our services or would like to book an appointment, call our friendly team at Hoppers Physio, located in Melbourne’s west today on (03) 9749 5110.
