Is your smoothie bowl actually good for you?

It’s no surprise smoothie bowls are right up there in popularity, they can be filled with so many different ingredients we love and they look sooo good, filled with their bright colours making them defiantly insta-worthy!

But the real question is…are they healthy for you?

In today’s blog, we break your smoothie bowl down and pick out the nasties!

To begin, let’s start off with something that is a bit more hidden you could say… portion sizes!

If you think about it, there is actually a lot more volume and capacity hidden in that bowl, compared to having it in a cup or glass.

If you’re not careful about this one it could potentially lead to overeating. And a great technique to avoid overeating with this snack is to keep your smoothie bowl between 200-250ml.

Another key thing to keep in mind is not to go crazy on toppings and be a bit mindful of what you’re actually putting in the bowl.

To tap into this one a bit more, have a think about toppings such as dried fruit for instance, they taste great BUT, they actually have a lot of extra sugars you might not even notice.

If toppings are your thing and you don’t want to give them up (we don’t blame you), why not try swapping for unsweetened shredded coconut, chopped nuts or seeds.

Additionally, to keep it filled with nutrients and goodness, you might also want to remember not to forget your healthy fats. Which can be found in ingredients such as nuts which can also add a bit of texture to your smoothie bowl – it’s a win-win!

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