postpartum checkup

The Crucial Role of the 6-Week Postpartum Check-Up with a Physiotherapist.

Congratulations on starting your journey into motherhood! One often overlooked aspect after pregnancy is the 6-week postpartum checkup with a Women’s Health physiotherapist. Your baby has important doctor visits around this time, and it’s important, no matter your birth type (C-section or vaginal), to have a 6-week postpartum check-in! The importance of a 6-week postpartum […]

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Pregnancy Pool Exercise Class

Watermums is back! Watermums is a fantastic way for pregnant ladies to maintain or improve general fitness, reduce stress on the pelvis and pelvic floor, improve flexibility, reduce swelling in the lower legs, and improve mood due to the endorphin release and catching up with other pregnant ladies. Our classes have been popular for over […]

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Pregnancy Pain

Discomfort during pregnancy is common, particularly in the hips and lower back as the body prepares for birth, and your center of mass comes further forward placing stress on the lower joints of your back and hips.   If it becomes more painful and starts impacting your day to day activities, it is worth booking in for a […]

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