COVID-19 Update

We are still open

Due to the recent updates in line with government restrictions Stage 4, we would like to reinforce that we remain open at this time. The new restrictions still allow you to leave your home to attend medical and/or health appointments, this includes Physiotherapy.

Curfew restrictions for Melbourne

For Melbourne residents, a curfew has been put in place from 8pm to 5am every evening. Outside of these hours, you are only allowed to leave home for food and necessary supplies, exercise, work or for care and health care. Upon saying this we have decided to adjust our evening closing to 7pm to ensure that you are actually home by 8pm.

Face masks/eye wear mandatory for all of Victoria Allied Health Workers

From Sunday, 2 August, the Victorian Government will be enforcing face masks for those who need to leave home across regional Victoria in addition to metro Melbourne and Mitchell Shire.  

All Allied Health providers will be required to wear masks/face shields or eye wear as per the new regulations.  Here at Hoppers Physio we will be ensuring that all our Physio’s are wearing the correct PPE wear and that all our reception staff will be wearing masks to protect patients and staff. 

COVID-19 measures in place for your safety: 

Here at Hoppers Physio our patients well- being is our utmost concern so the following measures have been put in place in our practices to ensure that we are able to keep our doors open to help those in pain and in need of Physiotherapy treatment.

The current changes in place include: 

  • Increased cleaning and sanitising measures will continue to be upheld. 
  • Maintaining social distancing in our waiting room. 
  • For your safety and to help stop the spread of COVID-19, a temperature check may be required upon arrival.  
  • Only 1 person is allowed in our treatment rooms with physio’s 
  • Telehealth Services are available for patients if they would like physiotherapy advice from home. 
  • Text reminders sent to show proof of appointments so patients can leave the 5km radius of their house for care. 

If you are experiencing or have experienced symptoms including a fever, cough or sore throat within 14 days of your scheduled treatment, please do advise our practice prior to visiting to receive your treatment or attending our classes. The same applies if you have recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus or suspect that you may have the virus. 

Please rest assured that we are continuing to monitor this situation closely and maintaining communication with local and government authorities.  
